Results for 'Miroljub D. Simić'

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    Bibliografija Đorđa Tasića.Miroljub D. Simić - 1990 - Niš: Institut za pravna i društvena istraživanja pravnog fakulteta u Nišu.
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    (1 other version)Uvod u pravo.Momčilo V. Dimitrijević & Miroljub D. Simić - 1976 - Beograd: Savremena administracija. Edited by Miroljub D. Simić.
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    Past five years on strategies and applications in hybrid brain storm optimization algorithms: a review.Dragan Simić, Zorana Banković, José R. Villar, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Vladimir Ilin, Svetislav D. Simić & Svetlana Simić - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Optimization, in general, is regarded as the process of finding optimal values for the variables of a given problem in order to minimize or maximize one or more objective function(s). Brain storm optimization (BSO) algorithm solves a complex optimization problem by mimicking the human idea generating process, in which a group of people solves a problem together. The aim of this paper is to present hybrid BSO algorithm solutions in the past 5 years. This study could be divided into two (...)
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    A hybrid genetic algorithm, list-based simulated annealing algorithm, and different heuristic algorithms for travelling salesman problem.Vladimir Ilin, Dragan Simić, Svetislav D. Simić, Svetlana Simić, Nenad Saulić & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):602-617.
    The travelling salesman problem (TSP) belongs to the class of NP-hard problems, in which an optimal solution to the problem cannot be obtained within a reasonable computational time for large-sized problems. To address TSP, we propose a hybrid algorithm, called GA-TCTIA-LBSA, in which a genetic algorithm (GA), tour construction and tour improvement algorithms (TCTIAs) and a list-based simulated annealing (LBSA) algorithm are used. The TCTIAs are introduced to generate a first population, and after that, a search is continued with the (...)
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    Three-Stage Hybrid Clustering System for Diagnosing Children with Primary Headache Disorder.Svetlana Simić, Slađana Sakač, Zorana Banković, José R. Villar, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Svetislav D. Simić & Dragan Simić - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2):300-313.
    Headache disorders can be considered as the predominant neurological condition. In the field of neurological diseases, migraine was estimated to cost a total of €27 billion per year for the loss through reduced work productivity in the European Community. Medical data and information in turn provide knowledge based on which physicians make scientific decisions for diagnosis and treatments. It is, therefore, very useful to create diagnostic tools to help physicians make better decisions. This paper is focused on a new hybrid (...)
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    A hybrid fuzzy clustering approach for diagnosing primary headache disorder.Svetlana Simić, Zorana Banković, José R. Villar, Dragan Simić & Svetislav D. Simić - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):220-235.
    Clustering is one of the most fundamental and essential data analysis tasks with broad applications. It has been studied in various research fields: data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition and in engineering, economics and biomedical data analysis. Headache is not a disease that typically shortens one’s life, but it can be a serious social as well as a health problem. Approximately 27 billion euros per year are lost through reduced work productivity in the European community. This paper is focused on (...)
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    A novel fuzzy metaheuristic approach in nurse rerostering problem.Svetlana Simić, Emilio Corchado, Dragan Simić, Jovanka Đorđević & Svetislav D. Simić - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):583-595.
    In the past 50 years nurse scheduling has received considerable attention in the research community. There are two cases regarding the nurse scheduling problem : the static and dynamic. Dynamic NSP, is often called nurse rerostering problem, which presents reconstruction or modification of the predetermined roster for the current scheduling horizon. The aim of this paper is to present new hybrid strategy for nurse NRRP problem. The proposed methodology is based on efficient cooperation between fuzzy logic, ordered weighted averaging and (...)
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    A hybrid case-based reasoning approach to detecting the optimal solution in nurse scheduling problem.Svetlana Simić, Dragana Milutinović, Slobodan Sekulić, Dragan Simić, Svetislav D. Simić & Jovanka Đorđević - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Automatic Classification for Skin Tumour Images.Svetlana Simić, Svetislav D. Simić, Zorana Banković, Milana Ivkov-Simić, José R. Villar & Dragan Simić - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (4):649-663.
    The skin, uniquely positioned at the interface between the human body and the external world, plays a multifaceted immunologic role in human life. In medical practice, early accurate detection of all types of skin tumours is essential to guide appropriate management and improve patients’ survival. The most important issue is to differentiate between malignant skin tumours and benign lesions. The aim of this research is the classification of skin tumours by analysing medical skin tumour dermoscopy images. This paper is focused (...)
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    D. SIMIĆ-LAZAR, Kalenić et la dernière période de la peinture byzantine, Skopje, 1995.Catherine Vanderheyde - 1999 - Byzantion 69:308.
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    La force politique des images photographiques. [REVIEW]Snjezana Simic - 2025 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 34:197-201.
    Compte-rendu du numéro Photographie et politique, sous la direction de Christophe David et Joan Grandjean, Tumultes, n° 60-61, Éditions Kimé, oct. 2023, 408 pages. -/- Le titre en dit tout : il ne s'agit pas simplement d'un volume consacré à la photographie, mais de cette intrication spécifique entre le photographique et le politique, ou encore, de ce que la photographie peut faire à la politique et vice-versa. D'une certaine façon, tous les textes de ce numéro posent la même question : (...)
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  12. Semantic Verbs Are Intensional Transitives.Justin D’Ambrosio - 2019 - Mind 128 (509):213-248.
    In this paper I show that we have strong empirical and theoretical reasons to treat the verbs we use in our semantic theorizing—particularly ‘refers to ’, ‘applies to ’, and ‘is true of ’—as intensional transitive verbs. Stating our semantic theories with intensional vocabulary allows us to partially reconcile two competing approaches to the nature and subject-matter of semantics: the Chomskian approach, on which semantics is non-relational, internalistic, and concerns the psychology of language users, and the Lewisian approach, on which (...)
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    Measuring Organizational Legitimacy in Social Media: Assessing Citizens’ Judgments With Sentiment Analysis.Antonino D’Eugenio, Katia Meggiorin, Laura Illia, Elanor Colleoni & Michael Etter - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):60-97.
    Conventional quantitative methods for the measurement of organizational legitimacy consider mainly three sources that make judgments about organizations visible: news media, accreditation bodies, and surveys. Over the last decade, however, social media have enabled ordinary citizens to bypass the gatekeeping function of these institutional evaluators and autonomously make individual judgments public. This inclusion of voices beyond functional and formally organized stakeholder groups potentially pluralizes the ongoing discussions about organizations. The individual judgments in blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts give indication about (...)
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    A Wholehearted Defense of Ambivalence.D. Justin Coates - 2017 - The Journal of Ethics 21 (4):419-444.
    Despite widespread agreement that ambivalence precludes agency “at its best,” in this paper I argue that ambivalence as such is no threat to one’s agency. In particular, against “unificationists” like Harry Frankfurt I argue that failing to be fully integrated as an agent, lacking purity of heart, or being less than wholehearted in one’s choices, tells us nothing about whether an agent’s will is properly functioning. Moreover, it will turn out that in many common circumstances, wholeheartedness with respect to some (...)
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    Plotinus on Consciousness.D. M. Hutchinson - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Plotinus is the first Greek philosopher to hold a systematic theory of consciousness. The key feature of his theory is that it involves multiple layers of experience: different layers of consciousness occur in different levels of self. This layering of higher modes of consciousness on lower ones provides human beings with a rich experiential world, and enables human beings to draw on their own experience to investigate their true self and the nature of reality. This involves a robust notion of (...)
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  16. The touch of King Midas: Collingwood on why actions are not events.Giuseppina D’Oro - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (1):160-169.
    It is the ambition of natural science to provide complete explanations of reality. Collingwood argues that science can only explain events, not actions. The latter is the distinctive subject matter of history and can be described as actions only if they are explained historically. This paper explains Collingwood’s claim that the distinctive subject matter of history is actions and why the attempt to capture this subject matter through the method of science inevitably ends in failure because science explains events, not (...)
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    7. Just how big are natural languages?D. Terence Langendoen - 2010 - In Harry van der Hulst, Recursion and Human Language. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 139-146.
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  18. Trust as a virtue in education.Laura D’Olimpio - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (2):193-202.
    As social and political beings, we are able to flourish only if we collaborate with others. Trust, understood as a virtue, incorporates appropriate rational emotional dispositions such as compassion as well as action that is contextual, situated in a time and place. We judge responses as appropriate and characters as trustworthy or untrustworthy based on these factors. To be considered worthy of trust, as an individual or an institution, one must do the right thing at the right time for the (...)
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  19. Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism.D. C. Matthew - 2017 - Social Theory and Practice.
    Current thinking and talk about race uses ‘racist’ for virtually everything that goes wrong in the domain of race. This paper examines the relationship between racial justice, racial discrimination and racism to argue for a more pluralistic approach to race-related ills. Such an approach provides the tools we need to understand an important if relatively neglected source of racial injustice, and does much to illuminate some race-related disputes. It starts by arguing that racial justice is a surprisingly limited ideal, and (...)
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    Vibhramavivekaḥ. Maṇḍanamiśra - 2019 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Surabhāratī Prakāśana. Edited by Śailakumārī Miśra.
    Sanskrit text with commentaries on the theories of error in Mīmāṃsa school in Hindu philosophy by Maṇḍanamiśra, 7th century philosopher.
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  21. Les Méthodes de la Définition d'après Aristote.M. D. Roland-Gosselin - 1912 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 6:235-252.
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  22. From Anticausalism to Causalism and Back.Giuseppina D'Oro & Constantine Sandis - 2013 - In Giuseppina D'Oro & Constantine Sandis, Reasons and Causes: Causalism and Non-causalism in the Philosophy of Action. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 7-48.
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    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Using Social Usefulness as a Criterion.D. Selvaraj, A. McClelland & A. Furnham - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (4):274-286.
    This study aimed to determine if people would use social usefulness as a criterion when allocating a kidney to potential recipients. Participants ranked hypothetical patients in order of priority to receive the kidney, using only information on the patients’ volunteering record, intelligence, emotional intelligence, and attractiveness. The results showed that volunteers were prioritized over nonvolunteers, highly intelligent patients over those with average intelligence, patients with high emotional intelligence over those with average emotional intelligence, and good-looking patients over average-looking patients. There (...)
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    A Brief Argument For Consciousness Without Access.Nicholas D'Aloisio-Montilla - 2018 - Ratio 31 (2):119-136.
    This paper proposes a new argument in favour of the claim that phenomenal consciousness overflows – that is, has a far higher capacity than – cognitive access. It shows that opponents of overflow implicate a necessary role for visual imagery in the change detection paradigm. However, empirical evidence suggests that there is no correlation between visual imagery abilities and performance in this paradigm. Since the use of imagery is not implicated in the performance strategy of subjects, we find a new (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Theory of Knowledge.D. W. Hamlyn & Donald Mcqueen - 1972 - Philosophical Books 13 (1):6-7.
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    Ethical issues and best practice in clinically based genomic research: Exeter Stakeholders Meeting Report.D. Carrieri, C. Bewshea, G. Walker, T. Ahmad, W. Bowen, A. Hall & S. Kelly - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (11):695-697.
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    On Writing: A Column by Morton D. Rich.Morton D. Rich - 1990 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 5 (2):2-2.
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  28. History and Idealism: Collingwood and Oakeshott.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2015 - In Malpass Jeff & Malpas Jeff, The Routledge Companion to hermenutics. Routledge. pp. 191-204.
  29. Common cause collective strength. Findings of an evaluation of support groups of women and children living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS in three Indian states.D. Herzog, C. Thiessen, R. Ssekubugu, J. Wagman, M. Kiddugavu, M. J. Wawer, E. Nance, L. Ortolano, K. A. Nash & I. Koc - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (3):313-333.
  30. "The meaning of" ethics.D. Micah Hester - 2008 - In Micah D. Hester, Ethics by committee: a textbook on consultation, organization, and education for hospital ethics committees. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 21.
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  31. The loss and recovery of consciousness under anesthesia.D. S. Hill & D. S. Hill - 1910 - Psychological Bulletin 7:77-83.
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    The kinsellaverse.Tony Hughes-D'Aeth - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (2):4-7.
    John Kinsella’s poetry returns again and again to the landscape of the Western Australian wheatbelt. The wheatbelt is a region that was suddenly and violently re-made by capital in the service of cereal and fibre production during the course of the twentieth century. Despite this radical repurposing of land and the wholesale eradication of an ancient biome, the new farming zone quickly took on the halo of a natural landscape within state and nationalist ideologies. Against the backdrop of this event, (...)
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    The Theatre of Aphra Behn.D. Hughes - 2001 - Springer.
    During the nineteen years of her play-writing career, Aphra Behn had far more new plays staged than anyone else. This book is the first to examine all her theatrical work. It explains her often dominant place in the complex theatrical culture of Charles II's reign, her divided political sympathies, and her interests as a free-thinking intellectual. It also reveals her as a brilliant theatrical practitioner, who used the seen as richly and significantly as the spoken.
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  34. Libertad e historia en Kant.D. Innerarity - 1987 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 4:57-77.
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  35. Social-change and racism-experience in the city of mulhouse.D. Jacquin & M. Wieviorka - 1991 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 90:89-106.
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    al-Ḥurrīyah al-fikrīyah wa-al-dīnīyah: ruʼyah Islāmīyah jadīdah.Yaḥyá Riḍā Jād - 2013 - al-Qāhirah: al-Dār al-Miṣrīyah al-Lubnānīyah.
    Liberty; Islamic philosophy; religious aspects; Islam.
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    Constructing a theory of cerebellar function in limb movement control is premature.D. Jaeger - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):461-462.
  38. The English Augustans. I : The Life of Reason, Hobbes, Locke, Bolingbroke.D. G. James - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:268-269.
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    Teachers' In-Service Education.D. J. Johnston - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (3):341-342.
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    The ties that bind: connections, comet cursors, and consent.D. G. Johnson & K. W. Miller - 2001 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 31 (1):12-16.
    Electronic communication and commerce facilitate the collection of information about individual use of the Internet. Focusing on the case of Comet Systems Inc. and its data gathering practices, this paper explores the technical details of gathering personal information in databases in general and the special character of the privacy issue raised by 'anonymous' information about individual behavior on the Internet. The case analysis suggests new insights for our understanding of privacy and frames a discussion of policy alternatives with respect to (...)
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    Methane hydrate crystal growth in a porous medium filled with methane-saturated liquid water.D. Katsuki, R. Ohmura, T. Ebinuma & H. Narita - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (7):1057-1069.
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  42. Introduction to the problematics of bioethics.D. Kovalova - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (4):245-258.
    In the last decades of the XXth century we have witnessed a still growing interest in applied ethics, among them also bioethics, which in Slovak ethical literature was paid only a little attention as yet. The paper tries to examine the needs that led to the rise of bioethics, analyzing at the same time the concept of bioethics, its substance and subject. It deals also with its sources, putting stress on utilitarist and deontological ethics.
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  43. Communication is Meaning-based Autopoiesis.D. Laflamme - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (2):192-194.
    Open peer commentary on the article “The Autopoiesis of Social Systems and its Criticisms” by Hugo Cadenas & Marcelo Arnold. Upshot: Autopoiesis based on meaning is a rich conceptual tool. It would be a pity to reduce it to a few general statements on self-reference in social systems.
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  44. (1 other version)al-Ḥaqīqah, baḥth fī al-wujūd.Fāyiz Maḥmūd - 1971
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  45. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd, mufakkiran ʻArabīyan wa-rāʼidan lil-ittijāh al-ʻilmī al-tanwīrī.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd & Muḥammad ʻĀṭif ʻIrāqī (eds.) - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Qaḍīyat al-ʻināyah wa-al-muṣādafah fī al-fikr al-Gharbī al-muʻāṣir: dirāsah naqdīyah fī ḍawʼ al-Islām.Āl Saʻūd & SāRah Bint ʻabd Al-MuḥSin Ibn ʻabd AllāH Ibn Jalawī - 1995 - [Riyadh]: Maktabat al-ʻUbaykān.
    The question of providence and contingency in contemporary Western thought: a critical study from an Islamic perspective.
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  47. Collingwood’s Idealist Metaontology: Between Therapy and Armchair Science.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2017 - In Soren Overgaard & Giuseppina D'Oro, The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 211-228.
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    The Darwinian muddle on the division of labour: an attempt at clarification.Emmanuel D’Hombres - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (1):1-22.
    It is of philosophical and epistemological interest to examine how Darwin conceived the process of division of labour within Natural History. Darwin observed the advantages brought by division of labour to the human economy, and considered that the principle of divergence within nature, which is, according to him, one of the two ‘keystones’ of his theory, gave comparable advantages. This led him to re-examine Milne-Edwards’ view on the notion of division of physiological labour, and to introduce this with modifications into (...)
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  49. Diritto naturale e distinzione fra morale e diritto nel pensiero di S. Tommaso d'Aquino.A. Passerin D' EntrÈves - 1937 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 29:473.
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    Jean-Marie Bertrand: Inscriptions historiques grecques. (La Roue à livres, 17.) Pp. 273. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1992. Paper, 135 FF.D. M. Lewis - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (2):460-460.
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